How to Create a Period Kit for Your Daughter

How to Create a Period Kit for Your Daughter

As your daughter begins to approach puberty, it's important to start having conversations with her about what to expect. One way to help her feel prepared and comfortable is to put together a period kit for her. Here's what to include:

  • A supply of pads or tampons. Talk to your daughter about her preferences and let her choose what she wants to use.
  • A storage container for used pads or tampons. This can be a small trash can or bag that she can keep in her bathroom or bedroom.
  • A pain reliever, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, in case she experiences cramps.
  • A heating pad or hot water bottle to help relieve cramps.
  • A change of clothes in case of leaks.
  • A dark-colored pair of underwear to wear on heavy days.
  • A journal or notebook to document her thoughts and feelings during this time.

Putting together a period kit for your daughter is a great way to help her feel prepared for this new stage in her life. It's also a good opportunity to start talking to her about her body and how it's changing. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider.

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