3 Ways to Make Your Own Period Kit

3 Ways to Make Your Own Period Kit

For many women, having a period can be a monthly inconvenience. But for those who don't have access to feminine hygiene products, it can be a real crisis. In fact, one in 10 girls in Africa misses school because she doesn't have access to pads or tampons.

But there are ways to help. One is to make your own period kit. Here are three ways to do it:

  1. Reusable pads: You can make your own reusable pads out of old cloth or buy them from a company like Lunapads. They're washable, comfortable, and can last for years.
  2. Disposable pads: If you can't afford reusable pads or don't have access to washing facilities, you can make your own disposable pads out of old towels, rags, or even cardboard.
  3. Tampons: You can make your own tampons out of old socks or buy them from a company like o.b. tampons. They're easy to use and can be a lifesaver when you're on your period.

Making your own period kit is a great way to help out girls in need. But it's also a good way to save money and be prepared in case of an emergency. So why not give it a try?

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